Thursday Cardio

img_1439Hope you are all having an awesome week. I must say……I am ready for Friday night. I am ready to have my family home, spend some quality time together, get outside and play together, go on walks, maybe go to the rock climbing gym…….just have a fun weekend. Today it is gloomy here 😦 Which isn’t common…, I suppose to have it once in a while is nice. BUT it is definitely harder to get motivated!! So, what a better reason than that to get off of my butt and get some cardio in?

Cardio Workout

100 Jumping Jacks

2 Minutes – Jumping Rope

30 Seconds – High Knees

30 Seconds – Butt Kicks

100 Jumping Jacks

2 Minutes – Jumping Rope

30 Seconds – High Knees

30 Seconds – Butt Kicks

20 Burpees

50 Squats – Last 10 Jumping Squats

60 Seconds – Jogging in Place

45 Seconds – Mountain Climbers

50 Squats – Last 10 Jumping Squats

60 Seconds – Jogging in Place

45 Seconds – Mountain Climbers

40 Alternating Backward Lunges with Forward Kick

40 Alternating Forward Lunges with Backward Kick

40 Alternating Side Kicks

100 Jumping Jacks

2 Minutes – Jumping Rope

30 Seconds – High Knees

30 Seconds – Butt Kicks

10 Burpees

Congrats!!! Hope you are feeling the sweat from that workout! It is as easy as that to get an awesome workout in, at your own home. You do not have to go to the gym to get in a good workout. Utilize what you have at home……learn to use your bodyweight alone to get a good workout. πŸ™‚ I promise you, at home exercises CAN and WILL change your body!

Hope you all have an awesome Thursday and remember to drink LOTS of water!

#ourprimallife #exerciseathome #nogymneeded #30minuteexercises #getfitathome

2 thoughts on “Thursday Cardio

  1. fatcrap

    I will try your workout today — because I am desperate! But also, that’s generally how I begin any new workout program. And it’s not the best way to go, as I’m sure you know! Do you have any suggestions for maintaining a healthy workout schedule? I would appreciate them!

    1. gwild84 Post author

      If you are just starting out I would encourage you to do times circuits. You can take this exact workout but instead of a set number of reps, just give yourself 45-60 seconds for each exercise. Set a timer for 60 seconds and do as many of each exercise as you can, rest if you need. Remember not to over-do it at the beginning! Often we go in too strong at the beginning and it is too hard, or too much to maintain. This leads to failing. My biggest piece of advice for you to maintaining a healthy active lifestyle is to do at least 10 minutes everyday. Take advantage of dead times. Get active immediately when you wake up even before you brush your teeth or drink your coffee. Do exercises: squats, push-ups, lunges, jumping jacks, etc during commercial breaks. Set rules around the house. Every time you open your fridge do 15 jumping jacks or 10 push ups. Every time you walk into your room do 20 squats and 30 alternating lunges. Keep active all day. Let it become a part of who you are, not just the elephant in the room! ☺️ good luck today!


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