Category Archives: Everyday Workouts

Friday Fun Day – Burn Up Your Fat at Home

Friday-Fun-DayI realized lately that I needed some motivation. I used to go running a lot, but would constantly injure myself. So, I stopped running all together. I workout in the comfort of my living room, doing body weight strength building exercises, yoga, etc. I love the way these exercises make me feel….ESPECIALLY when you stay on top of them and do them 5 times a week. It is amazing how great you can feel by working out at home with some light weights 5x a week for 20-30 minutes. But, we all know that life gets in the way. Between work, laundry, kids, meals, sports, family, etc…..sometimes we can lose sight of our goals. It is easy to fall out of a routine like working out. Even when you are just doing it at home. SO, this is my post to say……no more excuses. 5x a week. Summer is coming up and I know NONE of us want to feel icky in a bathing suit πŸ˜‰ SO let’s get working!!!!!

Friday Fun Day

Warm Up:

100 Jumping Jacks

2 minutes Jumping Rope

30 seconds High Knees

30 Seconds Butt Kicks

30 Seconds Sprint in Place

Get Burning:

20 Kicks Around The World (each side) – Kick forward, kick to the side, kick back – that is 1

40 Alternating Cross Over Backward Lunges – Hold Weight At Chest with Both Hands

20 Tipping Rows (each side)


50 Squats

20 Moving Lunges with Kettlebell or Weight Exchange between legs of Lunge

10 Supermans – Lift legs up to knees, arms and chest off the ground, hold for a 10 count – that is 1

20 Single Leg Bridges (each side)

50 Alternating Step Ups

60 Bicycle Crunches

60 Second Plank

Warm Down

100 Jumping Jacks

60 Second Butt Kicks

60 Seconds Speed Skaters

10 Burpees

CONGRATS on an awesome workout! Now you will be energized to start your weekend off on the right foot! Remember to drink lots of water!! Especially out in the west, spring is in full effect! We have to remember to hydrate as the heat picks back up! I want you all to remember that happiness is a choice. We can’t just tell ourselves to be happy…..but we can make changes in our lives that will bring happiness into our lives. πŸ™‚ Have an awesome Friday!

#ourprimallife #athomeworkouts

Motivation Monday – Get in a QUICK sweat!

Screen-Shot-2014-04-18-at-8.02.18-PMOne thing I know for certain is that you do not need a ton of time to get in a good sweat. If all you have is 10-20 minutes. Then hit it hard, get sweating and get on with your day. I promise that just getting in a quick workout will give you energy, brighten your attitude toward the day and will make you feel SO much better than if you just skip it all together. Take what you have and make the best out of it!

Motivation Monday:

50 Squats – In-between each squat kick leg forward and touch toe with alternating hand – alternated which leg you kick forward after each squat

60 Bicycle Crunches

20 Push ups – if you can’t get through 20 either lower your knees and do the remaining on your knees – OR – set a timer for 60 seconds and do as many as you can in the 60 seconds, resting as you need.

50 Alternating Forward Lunges

50 Pilates Toe Taps

50 Alternating Weighted Bicep Curls

30 Seconds – Sprint in Place

60 Alternating Speed Skaters

60 second Elbow Plank

50 Alternating Shoulder Presses – with weight

50 Alternating Backward Lunges

60 Alternating Straight Leg Lifts

30 Butterfly Presses – with weight

Stretch It Out:

Forward Bends

Torso Twists

Arm Stretches

Congrats on a good quick Monday sweat! I hope you enjoyed this quickie but goodie! Sometimes when you don’t have a ton of time, getting in SOMETHING is way better than nothing!

#ourprimallife #quickworkouts #sweatathome

Thursday Cardio

img_1439Hope you are all having an awesome week. I must say……I am ready for Friday night. I am ready to have my family home, spend some quality time together, get outside and play together, go on walks, maybe go to the rock climbing gym…….just have a fun weekend. Today it is gloomy here 😦 Which isn’t common…, I suppose to have it once in a while is nice. BUT it is definitely harder to get motivated!! So, what a better reason than that to get off of my butt and get some cardio in?

Cardio Workout

100 Jumping Jacks

2 Minutes – Jumping Rope

30 Seconds – High Knees

30 Seconds – Butt Kicks

100 Jumping Jacks

2 Minutes – Jumping Rope

30 Seconds – High Knees

30 Seconds – Butt Kicks

20 Burpees

50 Squats – Last 10 Jumping Squats

60 Seconds – Jogging in Place

45 Seconds – Mountain Climbers

50 Squats – Last 10 Jumping Squats

60 Seconds – Jogging in Place

45 Seconds – Mountain Climbers

40 Alternating Backward Lunges with Forward Kick

40 Alternating Forward Lunges with Backward Kick

40 Alternating Side Kicks

100 Jumping Jacks

2 Minutes – Jumping Rope

30 Seconds – High Knees

30 Seconds – Butt Kicks

10 Burpees

Congrats!!! Hope you are feeling the sweat from that workout! It is as easy as that to get an awesome workout in, at your own home. You do not have to go to the gym to get in a good workout. Utilize what you have at home……learn to use your bodyweight alone to get a good workout. πŸ™‚ I promise you, at home exercises CAN and WILL change your body!

Hope you all have an awesome Thursday and remember to drink LOTS of water!

#ourprimallife #exerciseathome #nogymneeded #30minuteexercises #getfitathome

Butt and Leg Burn

earnbody-766464I feel like it is time for a good butt and leg workout! It is definitely one of those days where there is too much jiggle in my behind πŸ˜‰ I know you know exactly what I mean. What is better than to get a good burn?! I am feeling a little under the weather today……so what better way to forget about my sniffles and get some good energy flowing in my body? Hope you enjoy the workout!!

Butt & Legs

Warm Up:

100 Jumping Jacks

30 seconds High Knees

30 seconds Butt Kicks

120 seconds Jumping Rope

20 Burpees

Set One:

60 Alternating Leg Forward Lunges

50 Squats

50 Alternating Step Ups

20 Calf Raises – on each leg

Set Two:

30 Kettlebell Swings

30 Static Ball Leg Curls

5 Clam Digs (25 each side) – can add band for resistance


60 Alternating Toe Taps


Set Three:

60 Alternating Backward Lunges

30 Single Leg Bridges – on each side

60 seconds Lateral Jumps – over either a string/line or a box

30 Backward Leg Lifts – on each side

Repeat Set 1, 2 & 3 2-3x

Cool Down:

100 Jumping Jacks

60 seconds Jogging in Place

10 Burpees

60 second Plank

Congratulations on an awesome workout! Sure to leave you feeling the burn in your legs and butt. Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

#ourprimallife #buttworkout #legworkout #athomeworkouts

Motivational Monday

IMG_8767Hey everyone! It has been TOO long…..I have been so busy with life that I neglected my posts. Sorry about that. But, I promise I will be consistent with these posts. I wanted to start the week off right and get a good sweat in. I am in the middle – well really beginning – of my Lent challenge. My husband and I are attempting to be STRICT paleo. Typically we live more of a primal style life. We allow ourselves dairy and live more of a life in moderation, choosing to eat healthy, real, fresh foods…limiting grains to a rare occasion. But right now we are trying to be completely PALEO for the lent season….so far it has been going so well. One thing we don’t like though is our morning coffee. *sigh* I usually put a coconut milk creamer in my coffee and my husband usually uses half ‘n half… it has been quite bland and not as exciting to wake up to. BUT adding some cinnamon truly makes a difference. That being said…..we have been on vacation skiing in Telluride, CO for the past week. So, I am in NEED of a good sweat this morning.

Monday Morning Sweat

100 Jumping Jacks

10 Burpees

50 Squats *last 10 jumping squats

120 Jumping Jacks

15 Burpees

60 Squats *last 10 jumping squats


15-20 push ups

40 Alternating Lunges

60 Bicycle Crunches

Repeat 2-3x


20-30 Tricep Dips

50 Step-Ups (alternating legs)

60 second Plank

Repeat 2-3x


30-50 Alternating Bicep Curls with Weight

30 Static Ball Leg Curl

30 Static Ball Knee Tucks

Repeat 2-3x


100 Jumping Jacks

5 Burpees

10 Squats

50 Jumping Jacks

5 Burpees

10 Squats

CONGRATS!!! You are done with an awesome workout that should leave you feeling awesome from head to toe! Remember to take a few minutes to stretch out once you are done. I promise you will feel the amazing results of this circuit workout. Hope you have an awesome start to your week!!

#fitnessathome #circuitworkouts #athomeworkouts #ourprimallife

20 Minute Workout – WILL Leave You Burning Tomorrow

WednesdayIf you are the type that doesn’t want to give an hour or two to the gym to stay in shape……then, you will LOVE this workout. It will literally take you under 20 minutes (you have to flow through it quickly) and you will have a full body workout and it will leave you feeling amazing. You do not have to sludge it out in the gym for half the day to get in a good workout and build a fit body. All you need is yourself and 20 minutes! I promise that you will wake up feeling it tomorrow! Let’s get this workout started!!!!!

20 Minute Whole Body Blast

25 Jumping In ‘n Out Squats

60 Bicycle Crunches

100 Jumping Jacks

15 Single Leg Bridges (each side)

100 Jumping Jacks

15-20 Push ups

40 Alternating Forward Lunges

15-20 Bicep Dips – use chair or coffee table and use your body weight

50 Squats

70 Bicycle Crunches

100 Jumping Jacks

20 Single Leg Bridges (each side)

100 Jumping Jacks

15-20 Push ups

40 Alternating Backward Lunges

15-20 Bicep Dips

60 second Boat Pose

60 Second Plank

50 Crunches

Just like that you have yourself a full body workout that will leave you feeling energized! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

#ourprimallife #20minuteworkout #athomeworkouts #exercise

Saturday Morning Walk to the Park

This morning we woke up, relaxed a little, had breakfast and then set off for a walk to the park. Luckily we live close enough to the park that we can walk up there and walk around, play, exercise, etc. But if you don’t live close enough ….. just throw everyone in the car and drive up there. Parks are a part of our cities so that we can utilize them! You don’t need a traditional gym to get a workout!! There are so many things you can do at the park….some include:

*Shuttle Runs
*Use exercise stations, playground or park benches to do some body weight exercises

Today we walked up to the park, walked to the exercise equipment and did some exercises, walked around the park back to he equipment to do some exercises, walked around and headed home. We were out of the house for an hour and got in some quality family time and a good workout!

We did step ups:

I used the middle sized platform to do alternating leg step up. At the top of the step up I bring my opposite elbow to my knee for an added oblique twist


Pull ups:

My husband did pull ups….I am still working on my upper body strength. If you can’t do a pull up you can work on your strength by hanging on the bar, trying little by little to pull up and hold as long as you can. (In the pic he is taking a break saying hi to our son πŸ˜‰ but he is over there doing pull ups!)




Reverse Push-ups:

Start with arms extended out, body at an angle, pull your body up and into the bar, then release and extend your arms back out.


Play on the monkey bars:

Don’t forget to just play too!!!


You can play tag with your kids! If there is no exercise equipment at your park you can do all of this stuff on a park bench or at a picnic table!! Just get creative and have fun!!


Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!

#ourprimallife #parkworkouts #familyworkouts #exercise #fitness

Cardio – At Home

quotes-motivational-List-of-top-30-motivational-quotes-16Hey everyone! Hope everyone is able to enjoy this beautiful Tuesday as much as me! Out here in Arizona we are having beautifully warm weather. Perfect for feeling like Spring is coming……and a good cardio workout. My baby boy and I are listening to some music with the door open and the warm sun beating in on us. Ideal time to get sweaty πŸ˜‰

Cardio Burn

*Keep going through these exercises with as little rest time between as possible.

2 minutes Jump Rope

100 Jumping Jacks

10 Burpees

3 minutes Jump Rope

120 Jumping Jacks

20 Burpees

10 Jumping Squats

30 seconds Mountain Climbers

30 seconds Elbow Plank Jacks

30 seconds High Knees

30 seconds Butt Kicks

60 Bicycle Crunches

60 second Plank

60 seconds Jump Rope

100 Jumping Jacks

10 Burpees

CONGRATS! You just completed an awesome cardio routine! I hope you feel amazing in under 30 minutes!! Remember to focus on your form. It is better to do 10 burpees with good form and effort than to do 20 burpees that are poor form and that you aren’t putting your entire efforts into. Happy and healthy Tuesday to you all!

#ourprimallife #athomeworkouts #30minuteworkouts #cardioathome

Tone Up Tuesday

This morning I woke up and could not believe that it was only Tuesday. Now you can look at that as – yay it is only Tuesday, I have almost an entire week of possibilities in front of me :)…..OR you can look at that as – only Tuesday, grrrr…you mean there are still 4 whole days until the weekend :(. Either way, it is Tuesday all day so we better make the best of it πŸ™‚ Today is a day that you will never get back….better make the BEST of it πŸ™‚ No regrets.

Today I am feeling a bit exhausted, so what better way to get pumped up than to get my body pumped up and ready to take on the world?!? Today I just want to feel some burn, hope you enjoy the burn with me!!


2 minutes Jumping Jacks

2 minutes Burpees

60 seconds High Knees

60 seconds Butt Kicks

2 minutes Jumping Rope

2 minutes Jumping Jacks


50 Squats with medicine ball or weights

40 jumping alternating lunges

40 Calf Raises


20 Bicep Curls with weight – each arm

20 Butterfly Chest Presses with weight (lying down)

20 Tricep Pulses with weight – each arm

20 Push-ups


100 Bicycle Crunches

100s Pilates

20 Frog Crunches

60 secondΒ Plank


60 second Wall-sit

40 Step ups (20 each leg)

40 Extended back leg raises – each side

20 Lying-down Outer Leg Lifts/20 Inner Leg Lifts – each side


100 Arm circles – no weight needed

20 Shoulder Presses – each side

20 Hammer Bicep Curls – each arm


60 second Boat Pose

30 Static Ball Knee Tucks

20 Table Top to Revers Pike


CONGRATS on an awesome workout. Now take a good 5 minutes to stretch out what you need to stretch out. Forward bends, torso twists, stretch out your arms, some yoga cat stretches…..stretching is so important!! I hope you enjoyed the workout and I hope that you have an awesome Tuesday!

I am including some pics of my attempt at getting more flexibility in my back AND on increasing my balance…….it will be a LONG journey, really a FOREVER journey of growth. I really just play around with poses and try and get deeper into them and enjoy just practicing at the end of a workout πŸ™‚


#ourprimallife #athomeworkouts #tonearms #tonelegs #toneabs

Full Body Workout – Give Me 20 Minutes and You Get Results

Let’s kick ourselves into gear and get a great workout in today. Thursday’s are often a mentally difficult day because you are so close to the weekend, yet so far away! This weekend will be the first weekend since probably before Halloween that we have absolutely nothing on the agenda. We have nowhere to be, no commitments!! Just our little family….we can wake up, take it easy, walk the pups, do stuff around the house, listen to our 9 year old complain of being bored πŸ˜‰ Ohhh the joys of life! So let’s get to our sweating!! I am going to try out a little something different today. Let me know what you think!!


Sweating Our Way to the Weekend:

5 minutes Cardio:

1 minute Jumping Jacks
1 minute High Knees
1 minute Butt Kicks
1 minute Jumping Rope
1 minute Jumping Jacks

3 minutes – Power Burpees with Squat – do as many as you can for 3 minutes – it is only 180 seconds, work hard for each and every second.

(Put hands down on outside of feet, jump back to plank, touch hand to opposite shoulder on both sides, push up, jump feet up to hands, jump up, kick leg in front and touch toes to opposite hand on both sides, squat, repeat)

1 minute – Push ups – as many as you can, 60 seconds of hard work

1 minute Plank – if you want to get more advanced and do opposite arm/leg raised for 30 seconds each side – feel free πŸ™‚

1 minute Side Plank – with or without leg lift (each side)

1 minute – Static Ball Knee Tucks

1 minute – alternating Static Or Walking Lunges

1 minute Bicycle Crunches

5 Minutes Cardio:

1 minute Jumping Jacks
1 minute High Knees
1 minute Butt Kicks
1 minute Jumping Rope
1 minute Jumping Jacks

Congrats on your 20 minute high intensity workout! I hope you feel amazing! Workouts should kick your butt and you do not have to be in the gym for 2 hours to get in a good workout. Work hard and give it your all for 20 minutes and I guarantee you will see results.

#ourprimallife #athomeworkouts #30minuteworkouts